Piedbald spotting (blue and white), 50% of the body is covered in white. This puppy is also displaying what is called a split-face (Weddingbee 2012).
A typical adult IG (von Kleist 2006).
An IG participating in oval racetrack racing (Bitsfit Ranch 2008).
This greyhound, an ancester of the Italian greyhound, is showing typical brindle colouration which is not permisible for showing under the AKC (NGAP 2008)
An example of an Italian Greyhound with light coloured eyes (Anne's Oddds and Ends 2012)
An adult silver coat Italian greyhound with typical rose ears (Welton 2012).
An IG that experienced a spinal snap and now gets around with the use of a mobility cart post surgery and therapy (Sue 2010).
IG puppies showing a variety of colours and markings (A Cute a Day 2012).
All snuggled in bed (Lowercase V 2012).
This one is for the Star Wars fans. An IG dressed up in an AT-AT costume (Abuyo 2012).
Since IGs experience the cold rather quickly due to their short fur coat, this IG is displaying a handmade jacket from I Love My Jammies (2010).