Housing your Italian Greyhound

Displays of affection (Demand Media Inc. 2012).
As mentioned in the Health section, IGs can be prone to forearm fractures, as well as being difficult to house train and reluctant to go outside to eliminate in inclement weather. An energetic, rambunctious IG puppy can easily cause themselves harm by getting into things or jumping off of things. If your Italian Greyhound decides to jump down the stairs or off your bed in your absence, the likely hood of a broken limb is unfortunately real. To counter this, confining your Italian Greyhound in an exercise pen or dog proofed room is something to consider. In addition to being necessary during the house training phase, confinement is a valuable tool in keeping your IG healthy and safe.
Crate training your Italian Greyhound provides him a secure place to retreat to for feeding and to retreat to when stressed. In addition, you can use this in connection with your house training efforts. Do keep in mind that your IG may not be willing to go out in windy, wet or chilly weather and potty training will need to be geared to include this fact. The use of litter boxes can prevent messy accidents in the house for when your IG won't go out.
Crate training your Italian Greyhound provides him a secure place to retreat to for feeding and to retreat to when stressed. In addition, you can use this in connection with your house training efforts. Do keep in mind that your IG may not be willing to go out in windy, wet or chilly weather and potty training will need to be geared to include this fact. The use of litter boxes can prevent messy accidents in the house for when your IG won't go out.